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History of Ernie Knoll



1. Ernie received two dreams in 2005.


2. Ernie received his third dream where he was commissioned to his work in December 2006.


3. Up until October 25, 2007, Ernie had published 25 dreams in total. The last one was called “Pray for Protection.”


4. In November 2007, an amazing testimony of a prostitute named Candace was published on Ernie’s website. Supposedly this prostitute had a visit from an angel who told her to read Ernie’s dreams and as a result she was converted.


5. Ernie published another eight dreams up to July 12, 2008.


6. In September 2008, another testimony from Candace is published explaining that three men from the Great Commission Council had come to see if she was true or not.


7. In October 2008, the Great Commission Council sends out an email rebuking those who had rejected the dreams and claiming they found no problems with them.


8. On November 12, 2008, Ernie published another dream entitled “Repent, as I am coming.” This dream was to be his last posted dream until his deception was found out.


9. On July 17, 2009, Ernie and Becky sent out the following email (Note that this was done at Becky’s initiative – see e-mail dated August 9, 2009 later in this study):




Dear Ones, 


We know this will come as a shock, but we have come to believe that the dreams are not of God. Even though there was truth in them, there was also error. We believe that Candace may have been an evil angel. I also received personal dreams that were obviously not from God. We will be putting a notice on our website soon. Our future meetings have been canceled.


Satan knows his time is short and is working to deceive even the very elect.


We are so sorry and pray that the Lord will guide us into all truth.


Love & prayers…Ernie & Becky


P.S. For those of you that have websites about the dreams, please take them down asap. Thank you.




10. Then on July 18, Ernie and Becky sent out the following email:




Dear brothers and sisters:


I write to you to apologize for the email about the dreams that was sent to you. I ask you to understand that we are very tired and have been under a lot of stress. I believe we have “jumped the gun” in sending out the email. We did not communicate with our board before sending it out. For this we apologize to our board. We will be meeting with them to go over our beliefs and ask for your prayers. Our board disagrees with what we have done and feels we should not have addressed you with the private decision we have made. We ask that those that have a web site to please put the information back (if you have made changes or taken the site down), and to those that have read and supported the dreams to please be patient with us. The constant daily travel, different motels every night and then ending with the presentation each weekend has made us both exhausted.


Asking for your continued prayers, Ernie


11. On July 23, David Starkey, one of the board members and the website designer of Ernie’s website                    ( wrote the following:



While there is much truth in the dreams, Ernie Knoll has proven to be a liar and a fraud.  Ernie made up the character known as Candace on the website and has been using this character to steer the ministry. We did some investigation using email IP tracking and discovered this. He is also the Great Commission Counsel. He admitted to this after being caught. It didn't sound like repentance, only admitting after being caught. Even worse, he is involved in a sexually deviant life style which we just learned of. The deeper you go, the worse it gets. We are all very disturbed over this. All any of us ever wanted to do was to help people get ready for Jesus return. I believe the dreams were shown Ernie by Satan. He did this knowing that in the end, truth would be discredited and God would be dishonored. I also believe Ernie is possessed by a demon. If you knew what we now know, you would believe this also. Please throw away all dream books as we have found that they contain elements of mind control referred to as NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. I heard this from one of our board members who spoke to someone who has worked in the secret service and is familiar with it. This person said that he had intended to contact us about it but never did. I am so sorry it is ending this way.


May God help us all heal and work through this. David



NOTE: For a comment on this email, please see the answers to Ernie’s deception below.


12. On July 23, a few hours after David’s email, Ernie and Becky wrote the following email:



Dear Ones,


By now you may have heard or read that Candace was a hoax. I created “her” to try to deter some of the negative things that people were saying about the ministry and it went downhill from there. (Becky did not learn about it until a couple days ago.) The dreams were also not from God. I want to say I am truly sorry and want to ask for forgiveness. Becky wants to ask for your forgiveness as well that she was deceived.


We have repented of our sins and pray that healing will come to you and all those we have affected. On a positive note, we are glad that the Creeping Compromise book has gone out to many people.


If you have sent donations to us, we plan to pay it back if and when we are able. In His mercy and gracious love…Ernie and Becky


P.S. We hope to get a public confession up on the 4 His People website very soon.




13. Later on July 23, Ernie and Becky sent out another email. It would appear this email might have been written only by Becky:




Dear Ones,


I believe that the main objective for Ernie’s actions was to boost a low selfesteem. He also sincerely wanted to make a difference in the SDA church. It was just done in the wrong way. I had hoped that the 4HP Board would have given Ernie at least a few days to show true repentance and reformation before assuming that it had not happened, because I am now witnessing the drastic changes that Ernie has been making. He is not in the process of a “sexually deviant lifestyle.” That is in the past. I know that the reason for that and the low self-esteem was due to problems with family while growing up. How true the biblical statement “unto the third and fourth generation.” I do not believe that Ernie has a demon and he is no longer receiving dreams.


I praise God that I was impressed to stay with Ernie to help him through this difficult time. I know that you all have been deeply hurt and we have asked for your forgiveness. Remember that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Please know that Ernie is hurting even more deeply and has truly repented and is reforming. We hope you will understand as we try to pick up the pieces and get back to a “normal” life.


When Ernie “came clean” what he did not share was that he was greatly traumatized at a motel when the 4HP Board came completely unannounced and demanded the car we were driving in, any ministry equipment and money (which we planned to give to them anyway). We had to quickly put everything into a hotel room without knowing what was going on. Then we were told that we were to go home and that we were now financially on our own. How would anyone else feel at this point? Being “ambushed” puts a person in shock so that they cannot think logically. We are told to love one another unconditionally. We have asked for forgiveness and we have not received that from the Board. We so appreciate the emails from those who say they understand what we are going through, forgive us, thank us for the confession and that they still love us and pray for us. We pray for that from everyone, because that brings healing to all of us.


We hope to see you all in God’s kingdom very soon! With deepest regards and prayers for your healing as well as ours as we watch for that small black cloud and that long awaited hug. In Christ’s amazing love…Becky (and Ernie)


P.S. I know many have tried to call us. I ask you please to understand that neither Ernie or I can handle talking with anyone at this time. If you want to communicate with us, please do it by email. Thank you!





14. On August 9, Ernie and Becky sent our a long email providing an update of their ministry:




Dear Ones,


This is a blanket email to many. Please pray for the Holy Spirit first before reading.


We hope this finds you well in the Lord. First of all, to those who we never had time to answer your emails, phone calls or letters, we apologize. We also apologize for those of you who ordered material from the 4 His People Ministry but for one reason or another you did not receive it. We are all human and mistakes happen.


For those who are not aware of what has happened with the 4 His People Ministry, we would like to give a brief history.


About two years ago, Ernie was reading comments posted on a forum, which were condemning his dreams. It bothered him greatly that people were making statements without knowing all the facts. Decisions as to the dreams were made by individuals whom others looked up to instead of each looking to God and searching the matter out on their own. However, Ernie sinned by not taking the matter to God. He was impressed to create a testimony of someone’s conversion due to the dreams. He logged into the forum and posted the testimony of “Candace.” Ernie noticed as he created the story that the words flowed easily. So he reasoned that it must have been inspired by God and that it was like a parable.


We also need to be aware that Satan could even be inspiring individuals on a forum or they could even be evil angels. Please read the following from the Spirit of Prophecy.


“I have been shown that evil angels in the form of believers will work in our ranks to bring in a strong spirit of unbelief. These powers of evil will assemble in our meetings, not to receive a blessing, but to counterwork the influences of the Spirit of God. In this time evil angels in the form of men will talk with those who know the truth. They will misinterpret and misconstrue the statements of the messengers of God.” Selected Messages, Book 3, pp. 410-411



“There will be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in the midst of the church, and these evil influences will increase; but hold fast the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end. Satan and his angels will appear on this earth as men, and will mingle with those of whom God's Word says, ‘Some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.’ (1 Timothy 4:1).” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 8, No. 345


“The enemy works untiringly to deceive human beings, and lead them away from God. He and his angels will in the future assume the shape of human beings, and work to make the truth of God of no effect. Spalding and Magan Collection (1985), p. 307.


After posting the testimony, Ernie was sorry that he did it but did not know how to get out of it. He tearfully begged God to stop the dreams and that he did not want to have to share them anymore. He felt he was not worthy and that the dreams should be given to someone else. He felt it as a burden and that he could not share as he was asked to do. Yet as time went on Ernie justified that God was inspiring him to write the things he was as “Candace.” We can now see that it was a battle going on between good and evil. We have certainly all experienced that.


After some time, Ernie was again reading a forum and saw the things that people were stating about him as well as the messages. Then many of the detractors published their beliefs about the dreams. This is when Ernie was “inspired” to create the Great Commission Council.  We have learned of at least three reasons for Ernie being deceived and deceiving. First it was because of the opposition on the forums that caused him to get discouraged. We have since learned to ignore opposition and use the “white cloth” to “wipe off our shoes” as Ernie was instructed to do in his dreams. If he had done that in the beginning, the deception would never have occurred. Secondly, it was a lack of faith that God would take care of His ministry and last of all, because of a low self-esteem.


We want to point out the last paragraph in the “Repent, As I Am Coming” dream of November 12, 2008 (the last dream that was posted on the web site).


“God wants His people to know that now is the time to get ready. Now is the time to put away self-importance and each must crawl to the throne of God, to repent and ask for forgiveness. Each must decide to follow God and to walk in that new way. Each must put away jealousy. Each must know that they will stand alone before God. He asks if each will stand as one of God’s or ask to be covered with rocks and be as dumb dogs. You have been shown the correct path to follow. If the Holy Spirit that God said He would send does not come over the cold heart then that heart will remain cold. If the naysayers and the discontented walk in a path to cause discontent and spread lies, they will each stand before God to answer for their deeds. This especially applies to those whom God has anointed who spread lies without verifying what they have been told. These are dumb dogs and God will turn His face from them. When He does this, Satan will take God’s place and will have them doing his work. So today you must decide if you will repent and turn from your ways or allow Satan to lead you hand in hand to eternal damnation.’


” It was not just a call for repentance for others but for us as well, however for Ernie especially. He had not noticed that last paragraph before and how it applied to him. God was asking Ernie to repent as well. Becky would like to apologize for putting out the notice that the posted dreams are of Satan. It was her idea, not Ernie’s. We are so grateful that God has shown us our sins and that we have repented of them. We are learning the importance of letting go of self and relying only on God.


We are reminded of Saul who was persecuting the Christians, but became Paul—one of the mightiest witnesses for God. We are thankful for the Bible examples of those who were used of God and then proceeded to fall into sin, recovered and were used by God again—Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon,  etc. Think of Elijah who just witnessed God’s power on Mt. Carmel, then proceeded to run from Jezebel. No wonder our Lord keeps reminding us, “Will I find faith?” James 5:17 tells us that Elijah was subject to the same temptations as other men, yet God continued to use him. It’s interesting to note the following from the “Watch, as I Am Coming!” dream: “My angel smiles at me and says, ‘You which are they are together Hliva.’ ” Hliva is the original Hebrew word for Elijah. Elijah’s work was a type of the closing message. Reference Malachi 4:4-6; Luke 1:17; Matthew 17:10-13; Prophets and Kings, p. 227


Genesis 20 relates the experience of Abraham when he lied to Abimelech about Sarah. Notice that after that experience, God sent Abraham his biggest test of faith when asked to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. He is now known as a great man of faith.


For the last few months, Ernie has been praying that God would free him from what he had created. In emails as “Candace” sent to the board as well as friends, he would encourage them to hold up Ernie and Becky in prayer as Satan was “attacking” them and they needed God’s help. It was a subtle cry for help. We now fully understand how Satan is subtle and deceives the very elect. We must remember that he deceived one-third of the angels in heaven.


We see now that the dreams and the presentation we were sharing were working a change in our own lives as well as many others. Satan does not want us to repent and reform. Ernie fell into sin because of issues stemming back from childhood that were never resolved until now. Please remember that God is not finished with any of us. Focus on the messages, not the messenger. For we have all sinned and come short of God’s glory.


We wanted to share a part of our presentation because of its importance in our day. It relates to a doctrine that is rarely being taught. It is on the subject from the dreams about standing on the wood. It states, “Some have asked why the Herald says that the wood is truth. First, the cross is made of wood and he is stressing the importance of the cross. More importantly, the Lord is showing us the importance of the humanity of Christ when He was on this earth. The wood reminds us of what the Sanctuary has taught us. The furniture of the tabernacle was made of wood and covered with gold. That wood represented Christ's humanity. The gold represented His divinity which remained unchanged by His contact with sin. Therefore, the truth of His humanity is that His people can be overcomers in the same flesh He had By their fruits... Page 52 (the fallen nature of Adam) and in the same way He did---in union with His divinity by His faith in ‘it is written.’


” The Spirit of Prophecy states, “The Son of God came to our world in human form to show man that divinity and humanity combined does not commit sin. He is our Pattern. Through Him we may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. ” Ms 16, 1898, p. 6


From the Review and Herald, February 24, 1874: “The King of glory proposed to humble himself to fallen humanity! He would place his feet in Adam's steps. He would take man's fallen nature….”


From Selected Messages, Book 3, p. 134: “Though He had no taint of sin upon His character, yet He condescended to connect our fallen human nature with His divinity. By thus taking humanity, He honored humanity. Having taken our fallen nature, he showed what it might become, by accepting the ample provision He has made for it, and by becoming partaker of the divine nature.”


Let’s remember that Satan is saying that God’s law is too hard to keep. We may vindicate God’s character by showing that it can be kept—not on our own but by taking hold of divinity. Christ in you, the hope of glory. It will take effort and discipline. The messages of the dreams are for a people who long to be part of the 144,000—the last remnant people who must give up all sin because they must live for a short time without a Mediator in the Most Holy Place. They will learn to hate sin and to fight it even in our churches. They would rather die than sin. They love God’s church and do not criticize it. However, they must call sin by its right name. Please know that as soon as God’s people do this, they will be met with opposition.


We may take comfort in these words from Jeremiah 31:33-34. “But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”


We understand now that God is sending the dreams, because we all so desperately need encouragement, instruction, rebuke, and love. Please know that the dreams and the ministry are answers to many of our prayers, even from years ago.


Along with others, we had been praying that if these dreams are not from God that He would stop them and He has not stopped them. Please read the last two dreams at the end of this email.


We are recommitting ourselves to these dreams, trusting that they are from Him. With the few parts that we don't understand, we will lean on the weight of evidence.


“As with the Bible, so with the Testimonies. Those who desire to doubt will have plenty of room. God does not propose to remove all occasion for unbelief. He gives evidence, which must be carefully investigated with a humble mind and a teachable spirit; and all should decide from the weight of evidence.” Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3, p. 255


“God gives sufficient evidence for the candid mind to believe; but he who turns from the weight of evidence because there are a few things which he cannot make plain to his finite understanding, will be left in the cold, chilling atmosphere of unbelief and questioning doubts, and will make shipwreck of faith.” Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 4, pp. 232, 233


Someone brought to our attention that if these dreams were from Satan, why would he inspire Ernie to make up “Candace”? Satan does not fight against himself. It only makes sense that Satan is fighting these dreams because they are from God.


Some have asked about the fact that “Candace” is mentioned in the dream “A Great Work” as follows: “It is the Herald. He comes up to me and I tell him that I have missed him and that it has been a while. He says that they (the angels) have been busy with much preparation to be done. I ask if he was the one that spoke to the lady named Candace (testimony on Divine Interventions of the 4hispeople web site). He answers no but that many angels are preparing many individuals for the King’s return and that he has been sent to show me something very important.” Ernie knows that he was asking that of the Herald in hopes that he could get help in ending the “Candace” deception. The answer the angel gave was correct. He was not the “Candace’s” Herald because there was no “Candace.” Also the Herald and  other angels truly are working with many individuals today as in the past. We can be assured that they will work in a mightier way as this earth’s history finishes. We believe the Herald did not come right out and state that “Candace” was made up because he was waiting for Ernie to confess on his own. We understand now that God allows certain situations to teach us lessons and to bring us to true confession and repentance.


Others have brought out the fact that in the “Much to Do” dream it was stating that there was no error in the dreams, correspondence or the web site. However, that was before the “Candace” testimony was posted on the site. We now know that God allowed it to be there for a reason. We have learned a valuable lesson from it. God knows the beginning from the end.


We have received emails and phone calls stating that we were wrong in our decision that the posted dreams were from Satan. It has been pointed out that no error can be seen in these dreams because they all agree with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and that we were “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.” We agree and invite you to join us in prayer as many begin to re-evaluate the dreams. After taking time to pray, study, and assess the dreams, we have come to the conclusion that they are still truly from God for His people. If you need a copy of the dreams, please send us an email with your request.


We also need to clarify that the posted dreams were NOT made up. They are real. Becky observed Ernie in several dreams as well as when he was waking up from them.


Even though most of our Board has forsaken us, we are not surprised. About two years ago, Ernie had a dream (which was shared with some of the board members) where he saw Becky and the Board walking away from the ministry. That is one reason why Ernie felt so alone. Becky has come back to believe in the dreams and we pray the same for the Board as well as others. We miss them.


We know that rumors have and will continue to abound and opposition will always be. Many fail to see the divinity in the messages of the dreams because it is delivered through a fallible human instrument. However, we praise God for a remnant who still believes in the dreams. It is a big step of faith for us to continue this ministry. We will continue on the path He has laid out. Satan dealt a mighty blow. He won a battle but we don't have to let him win the war.


Truth will triumph! Some have mentioned to us the parallel of our “great disappointment” with what has happened to our ministry to that of the Great Disappointment of 1844. Many abandoned the new Advent movement and only a remnant was left. They went back to the Bible and prayer until the answers were found. God cannot use those who give up so easily. If we cannot handle trials and seeming defeat now, how can we go through greater trials ahead? From James 5:11, “Behold, we count them happy which endure.”


Let us rejoice that He is in the process of purifying His people as gold tried in the fire. We must live each day as if it is our last. We must focus more on getting our hearts ready than on events. This is a testing, sifting and purifying time, a time in which the dross is separated from the gold. Are we content to be the dross or do we long to be the gold?


“The purification of God's people cannot be accomplished without suffering. God permits the fire of affliction to consume the dross, to separate the worthless from the valuable, in order that the pure metal may shine forth. He passes us from one fire to another, testing our true worth. True grace is willing to be tried. If we are loath to be searched by the Lord, our condition is one of peril. God is the refiner and purifier of souls. He places us in the heat of the furnace, that the dross may be forever separated from the true gold of Christian character. Jesus watches the test. He knows just what fire of temptation and trial is needed to purify the precious metal, in order that the radiance of divine love may be reflected.” Review and Herald, April 10, 1894


As we begin again, it is in God’s strength, in His time and in His way. We must leave the results with Him. If He be for us, who can be against us? As we have turned away from our sins, we are already experiencing little miracles from God. We will be singing His praises forever!


“Great had been David's fall, but deep was his repentance, ardent was his love, and strong his faith. He had been forgiven much, and therefore he loved much (Luke 7:48).” Conflict and Courage, p. 187


We are in the process of making a new ministry web site ourselves. It will be called ( However, we will not be a tax-exempt organization. Please note that the web site is no longer our official web site.


Also we were commissioned by God in the dream “The Work Now Begins” to distribute free of charge the book Creeping Compromise. As soon as possible, we will continue to offer this book on our new web site. Please check back for updates.


The Lord has a thousand ways to rebuild this ministry. With God all things are possible. As someone stated, we must turn our stumbling blocks into stepping stones. The Lord has a way of bringing good from bad. We praise Him for His continued patience, forgiveness, guidance and love. He knows that we are so defective after 6,000 years of sin.


We have heard God’s call. We are back, regrouped, ready for war and stronger than ever—in the Lord’s strength. We pray that each one of you will join us in the battles. The enemy is trying to divide and conquer us. We must unite and face the enemy with God at our side. We must unite on truth, not error. So many have stated that when they doubt the dreams it brings sadness but when the dreams are believed, it brings them true joy and peace. We have experienced the same.


We pray that each one of you will receive the blessings that God is waiting to pour out upon us. What a privilege we have to strive to be that last generation.


  • We have learned the following lessons through our ministry and experiences:

  • Trust only in God and His Word, not man. 

  • Be patient and let all be in God’s time and in His way.        

  • Have faith that God will take care of us if we are doing His will.       

  • Forgive others as God has forgiven us.     

  • Study to show ourselves approved.      

  • Don’t go by hearsay; go straight to the source.        

  • Ignore the bad and focus on the good.    


Don’t give up so easily; let trials perfect us. God will be with us in all our tests and trials. We each need to understand and share the messages of these dreams. Jesus IS coming, we ALL need to repent, we ALL need to reform and know that EACH must stand before God – ALONE. Then, and only then, can the latter rain fall. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.


We love you all. For a finished work…Ernie & Becky




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